respect your body,

Discover Mulasana,
the 1st suspended squatter:

Universal ergonomics:
supports all postures
Inclusive proposition:
adapts to the user's desires and abilities
Clever fastening:
adapts to existing bowls and seats, no need to change equipment
100% recycled plastic,
and made in France
Reliable and durable:
30-year warranty
Satisfied or your money back:
try for free for 30 days

Choose your posture,

optimize your transit

Sitting pinches the rectal canal and prevents proper evacuation


Foot stool improves pressure but does not open the rectal canal


Only complete squatting opens the rectal canal and allows evacuation without pushing.

Full Squat

The benefits of squatting on the toilet

Prevention of many intestinal disorders: constipation, hemorrhoids, diverticulosis, inflammation...
More hygienic: no more contact between the buttocks and potentially soiled surfaces
Strengthening the perineum and pelvic floor to prevent organ descent
Daily stretching of the posterior muscle chains, which are often the most tense.
Reclaiming primitive mobility and squatting ability
Stimulates circulation and power in the lower limbs

Eco action

Our products are made in France. Our accessories are 100% eco-designed from plastic waste, with the exception of prototypes.
We invest in the development of low-tech, eco-friendly industrial processes: thermocompression molding
Before and after freeze drying

The story

Antoine Lahorgue smiling with a prototype in his hand
My name is Antoine Lahorgue, and I've been a Shiatsu & Massage practitioner since 2015 in Nantes. In sessions, I've always accompanied people, especially women, suffering from constipation and other transit disorders. That's when I became aware of the complexity of the problem: discomfort begets physical discomfort, which in turn begets even more discomfort...

So I naturally found myself wanting to advise my clients to squat in the toilet. Only the ergonomics aren't right. It's possible, but very uncomfortable, even dangerous.
I discovered the full squat while traveling in India in 2016 with my pregnant ex-partner. Back in France I built a first squat to continue to promote our transit, and help my partner relieve her post-delivery tears. It was a great success.

In 2018 while changing the seat of my toilet, I had an idea that has since changed my life: a sturdy suspended platform would perform the same function and could be adapted to any toilet bowl. Mulasana was born. Since then, I've been working to raise awareness of the issue and mobilize a team to carry out this ambitious project, which is culturally disruptive and upsets our preconceptions of comfort and modernity. I'm particularly targeting women, who are the first to suffer from today's poor ergonomics.
My toilets equipped with the first squatting unit built in 2016
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